Jennifer Stallins - Office Administration - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Stallins

has worked as a CTT instructor for the Office Administration training area at Earle C. Clements Job Corps for over 10 years. She has a bachelor’s degree in business administration, has professional experience working in offices for universities and animal shelters, and held various managerial roles in retail. These experiences gave Jennifer the real-life perspective she now uses to teach and interact with students on a daily basis. 

Jennifer Pride - Medical Administrative Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Pride

joined Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center in June 2019 as a CTT Medical Administrative Assistant instructor. She earned an applied science associate degree from Ivy Tech Community College in 2010 and a certificate in Medical Assisting in 2012 through the American Association of Medical Assistants. While in college, Jennifer worked as a caregiver and had many clients in the Evansville, Ind., area where she would assist with daily duties, dressing, bathing, transporting clients to appointments and more.

Jennifer Arnett - Certified Nurse Assistant - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Jennifer Arnett

is an instructor for the Certified Nurse Assistant program at Earle C. Clements Job Corps and has been with the program since 2009. She graduated as a registered nurse in December 2000 and has experience working in the ICU, telemetry and pediatrics, and specializes in wound care. Jennifer is also an American Red Cross CPR instructor. Her years of experience working on the floor as a registered nurse have given Jennifer the insight to help educate students to be the best CNAs they possibly can be and further their careers as caring nurses. 

Jamie Lane - Advanced Heavy Truck Driving - Earle C. Clements Job Corps

Jamie Lane

is a CTT Advanced Heavy Truck Driving instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. She has an extensive background within the transportation industry, including 10 years as an over-the-road driver, five years as a public transit bus driver and dispatcher, five years in transportation management, and three years as a logistics manager. Jamie is a certified safety officer for the Secretary of State of Illinois and holds her regulation certification for the Department of Transportation.

Emily Wilson - Culinary Arts - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Emily Wilson

has been with Earle C. Clements Job Corps for a little over two years, beginning as a substitute instructor and now working as a Culinary Arts instructor. Emily holds ServSafe Food Handler and Manager certifications. She is a self-taught chef who loves sharing her knowledge and passion with all her Culinary Arts students. 

Dylan Floyd - Advanced Emergency Management - Earle C. Clements Job Corps

Dylan Floyd

is an Advanced Emergency Management instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center. Dylan earned his bachelor’s degree in occupational safety and health from Murray State University, and he has experience in construction safety. Emergency management has always been the subject that interests Dylan the most, and he has a passion for teaching that he loves sharing with his students. 

Doug Boggs - Welding - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Doug Boggs

is a Welding instructor for Earle C. Clements Job Corps. He holds an associate degree in welding technology and has several years of experience in production management for fabrication, stainless steel fabrication and equipment repair. 

Del Willis - Electrical - Earle C. Clements Job Corps

Del Willis

is an Electrical instructor at Earle C. Clements Job Corps. He previously worked 40 years as a certified electrician, including his time at Job Corps, two decades with Peabody Coal Company and 26 years teaching at Shawnee College. 

David Hayes - Computer Technician A+ - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

David Hayes

has been with Earle C. Clements Job Corps for seven years, teaching in the Computer Service Technician program. He has a bachelor’s degree from University of Dubuque and a master’s degree in history from American Public University. David has helped hundreds of students learn about the computing world and become certified. David loves to help students learn and to show them they can do things they never thought possible. 

Brent Thompson - Advanced Emergency Management - Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center

Brent Thompson

is an Advanced Emergency Management instructor with Earle C. Clements Job Corps Center. His background is in emergency public service and teaching, and he holds a degree in paramedicine. He has worked as a national registry paramedic, critical care paramedic and firefighter. For 23 years, Brent was an instructor for various EMT, paramedic, and fire and rescue courses. He now enjoys teaching and being able to share his vast knowledge with the future leaders in the field of Emergency Management at Earle C. Clements Job Corps.