es docente de Pintura de International Union of Painters and Allied Trades en el Centro Job Corps de Conservación Civil de Timber Lake. Se especializa en pintura, placas de yeso laminado y limpieza con chorro de arena y cuenta con más de 10 años de experiencia de trabajo en diversos proyectos, como viviendas personalizadas, hospitales y rascacielos, entre otros. Melissa disfruta de utilizar su experiencia para ayudar a los estudiantes a lograr sus objetivos y se asegura de que los protocolos de seguridad se cumplan, se enseñen y se respeten en su aula.

En el trabajo ...
Aplicará pintura, tintes y revestimientos a paredes y techos, edificios, puentes u otros elementos como automóviles, joyas y cerámica.
Utilizará maquinaria para aplicar las pinturas o utilizar andamios y subir escaleras.
Rellenará agujeros y grietas con yeso y masilla.
Calculará matemáticamente la superficie que hay que pintar.
Será organizado y capaz de mantener y limpiar su espacio de trabajo y sus herramientas.
Algunas de las opciones de carreras profesionales que tendrá son ...
La mayoría de los graduados de Pintura de Job Corps trabajarán como pintores en los sectores público y privado. Los pintores pasan la mayor parte del tiempo de pie y deben tener fuerza física y resistencia para completar sus tareas. Los pintores trabajan todo el día con las manos y disfrutan de un ambiente de equipo cuando completan grandes obras. Realizan los trabajos en el lugar, por lo que es habitual que viajen bastante dentro del área local.
Las credenciales que obtendrá ...
Los estudiantes del programa de formación en Pintura obtienen credenciales reconocidas por la industria de organizaciones como el National Center for Construction Education and Research (Centro Nacional para la Educación e Investigación de la Construcción, NCCER) y certificaciones en seguridad de la construcción de Occupational Safety and Health Administration (Administración de seguridad y salud ocupacional, OSHA).
Lo que necesitará para empezar la capacitación ...
Tener un título de escuela secundaria o un equivalente (puede obtenerse en todos los centros Job Corps)
Completar todos los cursos introductorios y de preparación profesional
Aprobar todas las pruebas escritas y de rendimiento
Cumplir los requisitos académicos (matemáticas y lectura)
Es John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
aporta más de 20 años de experiencia en la industria de la pintura que transmite en sus clases del centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey. Trabajó como docente de Pintura en International Union of Painters and Allied Trades durante casi 15 años y le encanta compartir sus décadas de experiencia profesional con sus estudiantes.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
John Kaiser - Painting - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
brings over 20 years of experience in the painting industry to Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center. He has served as Painting instructor for the International Union of Painters and Allied Trades for nearly 15 years and enjoys sharing his decades of career experience with students.

On the job, you will ...
Apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics
Use machinery to apply the paints or use scaffolding and raise ladders
Fill holes and cracks with plaster and putty
Use simple math to calculate the size of an area that needs to be painted
Be organized and able to maintain and clean your workspace and tools
Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Painting Job Corps graduates go to work as painters in the public and private sectors. Painters spend most of the time on their feet and must have physical strength and endurance to complete their tasks. Painters work with their hands all day and enjoy a team atmosphere when completing large jobs. Painters complete jobs on location, so it is common to travel quite a bit within the local area.
The credentials you will earn ...
Students in the Painting training program earn industry-recognized credentials from organizations such as the National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) and certifications in construction safety from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA).
What you’ll need to start training ...
Have a high school diploma or equivalent (can be earned at all Job Corps centers)
Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
Passing scores on all written and performance tests
Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps offers training in the following construction areas. Get started today.

Painters apply paint, stain and coatings to walls and ceilings, buildings, bridges or other items such as cars, jewelry and ceramics.
Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de construcción. Empieza hoy mismo.

Aplicará pintura, tintes y revestimientos a paredes y techos, edificios, puentes u otros elementos como automóviles, joyas y cerámica.