trabajó como docente de Artes culinarias en el Centro Job Corps de Conservación Civil de Schenck durante más de una década. Luego de que los estudiantes completan el programa de artes culinarias, Jerome los ayuda a aplicar para el área de capacitación de Artes culinarias avanzadas, así como para empleos locales y en otros estados. Su objetivo es preparar a los estudiantes exitosamente para que sean contratados y estén listos para unirse a la fuerza de trabajo.
Artes culinarias

En el trabajo...
Trabajará directamente con alimentos y bebidas en la cocina.
Mantendrá un lugar de trabajo limpio, preparará ingredientes crudos para cocinar y ayudará a cocinar y emplatar comidas.
Usará una variedad de equipos y herramientas comerciales de cocina.
Creará recetas nuevas, planificará menús y llevará un inventario de ingredientes.
Algunas de las opciones de carreras profesionales que tendrá son ...
La mayoría de las personas con sus credenciales de artes culinarias a menudo van a trabajar en la industria de servicios de comidas, con frecuencia para restaurantes y servicios de catering o para instituciones como escuelas, hospitales y cafeterías. Es posible que le pidan que trabaje temprano por la mañana, hasta tarde, los fines de semana y feriados.
Los estudiantes también deberían considerar la posibilidad de cursar la capacitación Avanzada de Artes Culinarias, Artes Culinarias Avanzadas, Pastelería (Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry) y otros programas de capacitación avanzados en Job Corps como parte de su trayectoria profesional.
Las credenciales que obtendrá ...
Las personas que completan el programa de Artes Culinarias pueden obtener credenciales reconocidas por la industria para ser profesionales culinarios certificados, chefs certificados y otras certificaciones de restaurantes. Los estudiantes también deben obtener un permiso de aprendizaje y una licencia de conducir emitidos por el estado al finalizar el programa.
Lo que necesitará para empezar la capacitación ...
Tener un título de escuela secundaria o un equivalente (puede obtenerse en todos los centros Job Corps).
Completar todos los cursos introductorios y de preparación profesional.
Aprobar todas las pruebas escritas y de rendimiento.
Cumplir los requisitos académicos (matemáticas y lectura).
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements
Es Sara Dooley - Culinary Arts - Hubert H. Humphrey Job Corps Center
retomó sus estudios en 2013 para obtener un título en Artes culinarias de Saint Paul College y no ha mirado hacia atrás desde entonces. Trabajó en empresas administrativas como jefe de cocina y chef de pastelería antes de unirse al centro Job Corps de Hubert H. Humphrey como docente de Artes culinarias en 2020. Además del placer que siente Sara por la enseñanza, sus pasiones son su perro y hornear magdalenas y galletas.
ES Culinary Arts

ES On the job, you will ...
- Work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen
- Maintain a clean workspace, prepare raw ingredients for cooking, and assist with cooking and plating meals
- Use a variety of commercial cooking equipment and tools
- Develop new recipes, plan menus and maintain an ingredients inventory
ES Some of the career options you will have ...
Most Culinary Arts graduates go to work full time in the food service industry, often for restaurants and catering services or for institutions such as schools, hospitals or cafeterias. You may be required to work during early mornings, late evenings, weekends and holidays.
Students should also consider pursuing the Advanced Culinary Arts, Advanced Culinary Arts – Pastry and other Advanced Training programs at Job Corps as part of their career pathway.
ES The credentials you will earn ...
Individuals who complete the Culinary Arts program can earn industry-recognized credentials to become a Certified Culinarian, Certified Chef and other restaurant certifications. Students should also earn a state-issued learner’s permit and driver’s license upon completion of the program.
ES What you’ll need to start training ...
- A high school diploma or the equivalent (can all be earned at all Job Corps centers)
- Completion of all introductory and career preparation courses
- Passing scores on written and performance tests
- Meet academic (math and reading) requirements

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

ES Culinary Arts professionals will work directly with food and beverages in the kitchen.

Job Corps ofrece adiestramiento en las siguientes áreas de hotelería . Empieza hoy mismo.

Artes culinarias trabajará directamente con alimentos y bebidas en la cocina.